Partner With Community Plus Durham
By partnering with us, you are partnering with and helping to support all of our other local partners/businesses. Also, while enjoying the perks (below) and welcoming new and loyal customers into your business.
Here’s what you get:
- A categorized listing on our searchable website – this includes your business name, up to 15 meta tags (keywords for searching), links to your own website and social media, as well as your contact information, location, a map and photo’s of your choice.
- A welcome Shout-Out on our Social Media pages
- We will share your post on our shop local group on Facebook and our Instagram pages.
Sponsor our Events:
We are planning 6-8 charity events a year in Durham. If you choose to sponsor an event we will place your logo on the event banners for the day of the event and mention your company/service throughout the event. We will also mention your name in the ads related to the event. You can sponsor us by donating items or cash donations. Please contact our office for further details.
Together We Can Make A Difference
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